


一般有两层面料和三层面料。雷竞技app安卓下载两层面料和三层面料没有好坏之雷竞技app安卓下载分,只是为了适应不同的环境。所谓专业防水,是指无论你是坐在潮湿的地方,还是在下雨和大风的环境中雷竞技app安卓下载行走。防水原理:薄膜的孔隙大小仅为一滴水的1/20000左右,这意味着外面的小水滴无法穿透薄膜,从而达到防水的效果。空气,就是当你在户外运动的时候,身体的自然皮肤出汗,呼出大量的湿气,如果不迅速排出,就会导致汗气困在身体和衣服之间,一到潮湿下雨的天气,就会感到更加潮湿和寒冷。特别是在高山峡谷等寒冷的条件下,身体受冷失温是非常危险的,所以服装的良好透气性是非常重要的。透气性的原理是,薄膜的孔径比水蒸气分子的孔径大700倍,这意味着人体的汗液蒸汽可以很容易地通过,从而使薄膜具有良好的透气性。所谓防风是指防止空气冷却效果达到百分之百。在多变的自然环境中,当冷风穿透我们的衣服时,它会吹走我们皮肤附近的一股暖空气。暖空气厚度约1厘米,温度34度-35度,湿度在40%-60%之间。即使是温暖空气中的微小变化也会使我们感到寒冷和不舒服。当冷风吹进衣服时,它破坏了温暖的空气,导致热量迅速流失和体温下降。 We will feel the chill immediately. This is the so-called air-cooled effect. The principle of windbreak: because of the disorder of the arrangement of thin films, there is no wind through the required single direction channel, and the wind scatters on the surface of the thin film, so that it can not go through the maze like membrane structure. The water proof and air proof and wind proof of the charge clothing are mainly based on the film of the middle layer. The surface fabric of the charge clothing has been treated with water splashing before leaving the factory. The anti water treatment of the surface fabric of the garment is largely related to the maximum exertion of the air permeability of the charge garment. This is because if rainwater drenched the outer fabric completely, the water molecules will completely block the outermost layer of air permeability. The sweat emitted by our body will also lose the access to the outfit, and the clothing will lose its air permeability
